Treatment of Regulatory Material

Current Challenge

  • In-depth U.S. and Canadian regulatory material lacks relevance to global markets

SOA Shift

  • International candidates will have the option to learn or bypass U.S. or Canadian regulatory material
  • The SOA will continue to offer both U.S. and Canadian-specific courses and content
certificate icon
  • Stand-alone, optional regulatory certificates will be offered. Certificates can be taken when needed.
  • The SOA is collaborating with regulatory bodies to develop new certificates that enable actuaries to meet the U.S. Specific Qualification Standard 

Focus on the Material You Want or Need to Accomplish Your Goals

In this updated pathway, you may continue to learn U.S. or Canadian regulatory material if it’s relevant to your career. If you are focused on global markets, you have the option to learn or bypass this detailed material, enabling you to concentrate on what matters most in your career.



  • International candidates will have the option to learn or bypass U.S./Canadian regulatory material
  • The pathway is intended to be more relevant to global markets

ILA 201-I has been redesigned for an international audience, with an IFRS focus


RET 101 and 201 are country agnostic, appropriate for all candidates

Group & Health

GH 201-U/C is required. We will explore adding an international option

General Insurance

GI 201 still includes some U.S. content, but much of the highly-specific U.S. material has been moved to GI 302

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United States

  • Designed to meet the General Qualification Standards to work within the U.S. regulatory environment
  • SOA is collaborating with regulatory bodies to develop optional certificates to meet the Specific Qualification Standard
Canada icon


  • The SOA will continue to offer Canadian-specific courses and content
  • Canadian candidates will continue to have the option to cover Canadian products and regulations

Questions and Answers