Evolving the FSA Pathway
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) is enhancing the Fellowship pathway to better meet the needs of candidates and employers while maintaining the rigor and high standard of excellence.

A Better Learning Experience

Increased Flexibility

Greater Global Relevancy
New Details
Candidate Challenge

SOA Shift
Tracks lack flexibility and customization

- Focus on a single practice area or create a combination of courses through a flexible pathway
- No exam credit is lost with transition rules
Slow grading process and infrequent exams

- 4-week turnaround time for grades
- High-demand courses offered 3x per year
No exam feedback

- Detailed score reports available
- Personal written feedback option for those close to passing
In-depth U.S. and Canadian regulatory material lacks global relevance

- International candidates will have the option to learn or bypass U.S./Canadian regulatory material
New Details
Candidate Challenge

SOA Shift
Tracks lack flexibility and customization

- Focus on a single practice area or create a combination of courses through a flexible pathway
- No exam credit is lost with transition rules
Slow grading process and infrequent exams

- 4-week turnaround time for grades
- High-demand courses offered 3x per year
No exam feedback

- Detailed score reports available
- Personal written feedback option for those close to passing
In-depth U.S. and Canadian regulatory material lacks global relevance

- International candidates will have the option to learn or bypass U.S./Canadian regulatory material
The SOA is committed to the education and advancement of actuaries. We actively listen to key stakeholders, while supporting your goal to achieve the Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) designation.
We’ve Heard Your Feedback
FSA candidates encounter significant challenges along the pathway.

Discover Key Features for a Better Candidate Experience

Macro Trends and the Case for Change
The actuarial profession is at a point of inflection. In an increasingly complex and ever-changing environment, the SOA is enhancing the FSA pathway to better meet the needs of candidates, employers, and the profession. It maintains our existing standards of excellence and strengthens the value of this global credential.