Pension Actuary (broader employee benefits)

2 sequenced courses

RET 101
Retirement Plan Design
  • Benefit Plan Structure, Features and Investments: The candidate will understand how to analyze different types of retirement plans and retirement plan investments.
  • Participant Risks: The candidate will understand how to analyze the risks faced by retirees and the participants of retirement plans.
  • Sponsor Risks: The candidate will understand how to analyze the risks faced by sponsors of retirement plans.
  • Benefit Plan Design Recommendation: The candidate will understand how to evaluate sponsors’ goals for the retirement plan, evaluate alternative plan types and features, and recommend a plan design appropriate to address those goals.
RET 201
Retirement Plan Valuation
  • Assumes knowledge from RET 101
  • Methods: The candidate will understand how to apply/synthesize the methods used to value pension benefits for various purposes.
  • Actuarial Assumptions: The candidate will understand how to analyze/synthesize the factors that go into selection of actuarial assumptions used in pension valuations.
  • Accounting Standards: The candidate will understand how to perform valuations and prepare disclosure information for retirement income plans under applicable accounting standards.
  • Investment Risk Management: The candidate will recognize and appropriately reflect the role of retirement plan investments in managing plan sponsor risk and make recommendations.
  • Funding Policy: The candidate will understand the general principles applicable to the funding of retirement income plans and recommend a funding policy.

2 additional courses

RET 301
Pension Regulation in Canada
  • Assumes knowledge from RET 101 and RET 201
  • Assumptions: The candidate will understand how to analyze/synthesize the factors that go into selection of actuarial assumptions for funding purposes of retirement plans under Canadian pension legislation, regulatory policies, and tax legislation.
  • Methods: The candidate will understand how to apply/synthesize the methods used to value pension benefits for various purposes under Canadian pension legislation, regulatory policies, and tax legislation.
  • Regulations: Evaluation and Application: The candidate will understand how to evaluate and apply Canadian pension legislation, regulatory policies, and tax legislation for registered retirement plans.
  • Regulations: Plan Funding: The candidate will understand how to apply the Canadian pension legislation, regulatory policies, and tax legislation in the context of plan funding.
GH 101
Benefits and Pricing
  • Plan & Product Provisions: The candidate will understand how to describe plan provisions typically offered under short-duration contracts (medical, dental, vision, prescription drug, group life).
  • Manual Rates: The candidate will understand how to calculate and recommend a manual rate for each of the contracts described in Learning Objective 1.
  • Underwriting & Funding: The candidate will understand how to apply principles of pricing, risk assessment, and funding to an underwriting situation.
  • Employee Benefits: The candidate will understand how to evaluate and recommend an employee benefit strategy.